Pipe Stress Infinity: Documentation


Pipe Stress Infinity (PSI) is an engineering design and analysis software used to evaluate the structural behavior and stresses of piping systems to a variety of different codes and standards. Read more…

Quick Reference

The PSI Quick Reference is a good starting point for new users to get up and going quickly. It provides a basic introduction to the project and a small taste of the program’s capabilities.

If this is your first time reading about PSI, we suggest you start at the Example section.

User Guide

The PSI User Guide contains general roadmaps, much of the theory behind the program and other user related topics.

Application Guide

The PSI Application Guide consists of tutorials, examples and various modeling and analysis techniques. It also provides in-depth documentation for writing applications using PSI. Many topics described here reference the PSI API reference, which is listed below.

API Reference

The PSI Application Programming Interface (API) provides the reference for the publically available classes, methods and function calls. It is automatically generated from the source code documentation and can be used by developers and users alike to gain a deeper understanding of the algorithms and programming techinques used.

Developer Guide

These documents describe details on how to develop PSI itself further. Read these to get more detailed insights into how PSI is designed, and how to help its future development.

V & V

A list of example problems used for program/machine verification and validation.


A list of frequently asked questions raised on the mailing list or the discord server.